Voting with Macular Degeneration

Voting in person is an American right and some just need to physically take part no matter what. As the presidential vote nears, many people that...

Laser Cataract Surgery – A Ray of Light for a Clearer Vision

A cataract is a condition where your eye lens gets foggy and unclear. To see clearly, the lens located behind your iris needs to be clean. The lens...

Are You Gluten Intolerant? Here’s 4 Symptoms

Gluten-free food can be found in many supermarkets and restaurants today. This is mostly in response to an inherited autoimmune disorder. This...

Osteoporosis Relief with Yoga

Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones due to genes, subpar-diet, lack of exercise, lifestyle or all the above. When diagnosed with this condition...

5 Benefits of CBD Infused Food

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the non-intoxicating compound extracted from the male marijuana (hemp) plant. It is the female plant that carries the lion’s...

Can’t Touch? Try Forest Bathing

It is no surprise that appropriately touching another human being invokes all kinds of beneficial health advantages. An archived study in Biological...

Fear of COVID-19 Affects Macular Degeneration Treatment

As COVID-19 marches across the globe, humans continue to hide and protect from this invisible threat which has killed about 100,000+ Americans and...

20 Ways to Naturally Prepare for COVID-19 Re-Opening

It is starting to look like the United States is going to begin re-opening from the COVID-19 lockdown. Some states have already implemented ‘phase...

Take It Easy: Vigorous Exercise May Increase Macular Degeneration

A good exercise program along with a plant-based dominant diet are the cornerstones of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, particularly when it comes...

10 Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

We all know that the world’s best therapist has four legs and a tail! Yes, you thought it right! Human and animal bonding are compelling and...

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