OCD ADD Holistic Fixes

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are the foundations of the many cognitive health challenges that medical...

15 Mood Enhancing Life Hacks

Sometimes you may feel like you are running on auto-pilot. Sludging through each day unaware of your growing short temper and foul mood. Once you...

Delta 8, Delta 9 & Delta 10 — What’s the Difference?

You’ve certainly heard of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, but, like many people, you may have been surprised...

5 Dangers of Mercury Fillings

Silver mercury contained fillings aka dental amalgams have been used for decades for filling cavities in rotting teeth. From children to the elderly...

The Music Diet

You may be crazy about music and listen to it all the time. If this is you then you could be improving your health every time you fire up your jam....

Is Your News Diet Bad For Your Health?

There was a time that people would put on the news and listen to actual news, actual facts. However, eventually, someone in the news industry...

Drumming for Health

One of the most primitive forms of self-expression is the act of drumming. It is believed this was the earliest instrument developed by primitive...

3 Herbs for Macular Degeneration

Nature holds a veritable medicine chest of remedies that conventional medicine often steals, synthesizes, and churns out as a pharmaceutical...

Early Bird vs Night Owl: Pros and Cons

We all know that sleep is essential. Yet, there are people that stay up beyond midnight like it’s normal and those that hop out of bed at 4am or 5am...

Surprising Alternatives to Prescription Painkillers

It’s undeniable that medical science has generated some highly effective painkilling drugs, but the use of some of these drugs has downsides. They...

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