Trigger Point Massage Gets You Out of Pain Fast

Trigger Point Massage Gets You Out of Pain Fast

There are special locations on your body that are linked to myofascial (muscle pain) release, mental stress reduction, and increased range of motion (to name a few). These are called trigger points and if you can experience a massage therapist trained in this practice you may be surprised by the results. This is hands-on work that could reduce or even eliminate the need for pharmaceutical intervention. Overall, trigger point massage may get you out of pain fast.

Headache Relief

One of the most popular health challenges is headache relief. Big Pharma reaps high profits when it comes to the plethora of over-the-counter (OTC) and pharmaceutical headache pain meds. This is because headache pain is real and most people will do just about anything for relief, regardless of the side effects or temporary results. Yet, trigger point massage is rarely discussed as an option. 

In a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial of myofascial trigger point-focused head and neck massage for recurrent tension-type headache, conducted by researchers from the College of Nursing, University of Colorado at Denver and published in the Clinical Journal of Pain, it was found that,

“Patient report of perceived clinical change was greater reduction in HA [headache] pain for massage than placebo,…Pressure-pain threshold improved in all muscles tested for massage only,…MTrPs [myofascial trigger points] are important components in the treatment of TTH [tension type headaches].”

This study, and many similar findings, show how trained trigger point massage may be a viable option in relieving chronic and acute headache pain. 

Anxiety, Sleep, Fibromyalgia

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 

“Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population every year.”

As a result, many of those suffering from anxiety become reliant on anti-anxiety medication which often needs to increase over time and may involve a long list of side effects. Trigger point therapy has shown to reduce anxiety for a more natural approach that only requires one or two sessions per week. Not only do the muscles respond to this gentle deep tissue practice but the connection of direct human touch also plays a role in reducing anxiety symptoms. 

The study, ‘Benefits of Massage-Myofascial Release Therapy on Pain, Anxiety, Quality of Sleep, Depression, and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia’ was conducted by practitioners in Spain and published in Evidence Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine which concluded that,

“Release of fascial restrictions in these patients also reduces anxiety levels and improves sleep quality, physical function, and physical role. Massage-myofascial program can be considered as an alternative and complementary therapy that can achieve transient improvements in the symptoms of these patients.”

Furthermore, these results lasted upwards of one month after treatment. 

Athletic Performance and Recovery

Whether you follow an occasional exercise routine, or a professional athlete, trigger point massage should be in your performance and recovery regiment.  

Deep tissue massage is highly recommended when your body is being challenged by physical activity and when trigger points are included in this massage work, the results can bring less pain, faster recuperation, and higher functioning. 

In one study posted in Frontiers of Physiology, massage, including trigger point work, benefitted delayed onset muscle soreness (DOM) in novice to extreme athletes between twenty-four and ninety-six hours, respectively, post workout. 

Results included:

  • Less fatigue
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Quicker recovery
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased circulation
  • Reduced topical edema
  • Rise of endorphins (natural pain killers)
  • Improved neutrophil (white blood cell) flushing

Trigger point massage one to three hours after exercise could benefit muscle behavior as well as overall systemic functioning beyond rest, ice therapy, or pharmaceutical intervention. 


In-between a trigger point session, there are many body locations you can utilize for a ‘quick fix’ relief. These are self-trigger points and once you become familiar with them, they can be used as excellent tools to keep you going in-between. Some self-triggers include gently working your thumb and fingers slowly into muscles: 

  • Along the thigh and around the knee
  • Gluteus (butt muscle) points using a hard ball or foam roller 
  • Forearm points and wrist (both sides)
  • Points on the base of the rear skull just blew the bone for headache relief
  • Squeezing the ‘web’ portion of your hand in-between the thumb and index finger

Your massage therapist can teach you these points which can be utilized at any time for temporary relief.

German researchers published a study in ‘Biology of Sport’ posted by ResearchGate (4/18) which concluded that,

“The use of a foam roller, applying static compression to latent MTrP [myofascial trigger points],  might help sportsmen to resolve impairments of muscle function and  optimize performance. In view of our findings, the potential role of static self-myofascial release in the treatment of sports-related pain syndromes (e.g. runner’s knee) should be further elucidated [investigated]”

Try trigger point massage therapy to get you out of pain and keep you running on all cylinders without pharmaceutical intervention. Controlling your stamina, performance, and recovery through this modality offers you a natural remedy that gets results.