The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

It seems as though there is a medication for just about every ailment these days. The only problem with that is, when you take a prescription or...

Peek inside Your Protein Powder

No matter what your diet and exercise goals, adding a protein powder or protein shake can be one of the most helpful forms of nutritional...

What Does Organic Really Mean?

Organic can mean many different things depending on whom you ask. Any chemist, for example, will tell you that all food is organic because it...

Why Sugar is The New Gateway Drug

You can read about all the evils of white sugar and you will still reach for your fix. Hey, you’re human. The thing is, you may want to...

Five Real Foods to Add to Your Diet This Summer

Summer is the season of dietary regret. Most of us enter the year with the best of intentions. We’re going to exercise more. Eat better. Cut down on...

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