Caffeine May Help Prevent Macular Degeneration

If you ever needed an excuse to keep drinking your beloved coffee now may be the time to cash in on caffeine consumption. Drinking beverages with...

Matcha Tea or Green Tea: Both Good, Know the Difference

The boutique drink industry has made refreshing beverages much more healthy. From lavender bubble tea to smoothies made from açaí (ah-sah-hee) we...

Natural Help for H. Pylori

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a deceiving bacteria that can enter the system (usually through tainted food, compromised water, or poor hygiene)...

Ovarian Cancer: Early Detection and 7 Natural Prevention Tips

According to Medical News Today, a woman’s chance of developing ovarian cancer is 1 in 78. Half who receive an ovarian cancer diagnosis are...

New Study Shows How Green Tea Prevents Cancer

Green tea has been praised for its laundry list of health benefits before, but a new study found answers to explain how exactly the beverage reduces...