Amazing Benefits of Shea Butter

Deep in West Africa, shea trees produce the shea nut which, when picked, extracted, and applied, some serious healing can begin. Inside the shea nut...

Young Blood for Macular Degeneration Treatment

Young biology holds many beneficial healing properties. Using donated blood by volunteers below thirty years old may soon become a valuable...

4 Benefits of Peptide Supplements

One major component of maintaining life is the production and function of peptides. Peptides are building blocks of proteins, cell transporters,...

Top 4 Natural and Easy Ways to Reverse Aging

Aging isn’t a word you worry about too much until someone casually makes a comment about a fine line you missed or the crow’s feet under your eyes....

4 Ways to Naturally Look and Feel Younger

Anti-aging is a loaded term. It seems to get slapped on every cream, oil, pill, herb and so much more yet most do not know what it really means. If...