Natural Weight Loss: 5 Ways to Intermittent Fasting

Natural Weight Loss: 5 Ways to Intermittent Fasting

Food seems to have become a real liability. You can’t eat gluten, dairy is no good, sugar is the devil, and forget about meat. Okay, a lot of that is true with plant-based or “nutritarian” choices proving to considerably enhance health. However, the weight seems to stay on no matter what certain people seem to do. Some say, “Uh, why don’t you just try not eating” and in a way they’re right. In fact, it seems we really don’t need as much food as we have been conditioned to think we need. 

Intermittent fasting is an easy way to recharge while reducing stress and saving energy that can be utilized elsewhere in your body. It has been linked to alleviating, and in some cases eliminating, various conditions while significantly supporting weight loss goals. See if intermittent fasting is something that might work for you. Whether you are looking to reduce aches and pains or want to try a natural weight loss option.

The IF Process

Intermittent fasting (IF) has been around for centuries. This was mostly before modernization as electricity which now keeps us alert well into the evening while previous generations retired early and woke early. Therefore, these generations ate early and did not struggle to digest and sleep at the same time which currently robs so many of their much needed energy. This is the “trick” of easily resetting your body to a more fertile position for losing weight. Use IF when you don’t even know it’s working, namely while you sleep. 

Harvard Health describes IF,

“Consider a simple form of intermittent fasting. Limit the hours of the day when you eat, and for best effect, make it earlier in the day (between 7 am to 3 pm, or even 10 am to 6 pm, but definitely not in the evening before bed).”

Healthline reports on the benefits of IF which include weigh loss stating that, 

“Intermittent fasting enhances hormone function to facilitate weight loss. Lower insulin levels, higher growth hormone levels and increased amounts of norepinephrine (noradrenaline) all increase the breakdown of body fat and facilitate its use for energy. For this reason, short-term fasting actually increases your metabolic rate by 3.6-14%, helping you burn even more calories.” 

Try One of 5

IF is a concept that probably goes beyond your childhood upbringing so it is recommended you do not share your IF journey with, well, basically anyone (except your conventional or traditional doctor). Why would you? It’s your journey alone.

These 5 ways to intermittent fasting offer a variety of options regarding how to approach “not eating.” These are small examples of larger protocols that should be followed through detailed research of any given choice. 


True IF is utilizing a maximum of 14 to 16 hours of fasting per day (primarily during sleep) and then eating the rest of the time in conjunction with exercise. Developed by Martain Berkhan, self-proclaimed “high priest of intermittent fasting,” the concept is that after your IF you “feed” for 8-10 hours. 

What you eat can correlate with your workout such as high carbs on exercise days and fats on off days keeping protein the same everyday. Leangains is a great way for dedicated gym rats to lose body fat and build muscle fast but is also a strong, fairly easy fast that can be adapted to anyone’s lifestyle. 

Spontaneous IF

One of the biggest misnomers is “never skip a meal.” Some believe this may have been handed down from generation to generation or manipulated by food corporations. Either way the body is wired to withstand long bouts of not eating so spontaneous intermittent fasting through meal skipping is a great way to give your body “fasting breaks.” The next time you are too busy or just not that hungry at mealtime, skip it. 

Being okay with missing a meal reduces added mental stress you don’t need because your body will be just fine. Many feel the difference of being less fatigued, more alert, and experiencing less pain on spontaneous IF. 

Eat Stop Eat

Canadian author Brad Pilon developed the ‘Eat Stop Eat’ program after his work as a research analyst and discovering the metabolic effects of short term fasting. Pilon’s concept is fasting for 24 hours once or twice per week. 

The Daily Burn reports that, 

“Eating this way will reduce overall calorie intake without really limiting what you’re able to eat…It’s important to note that incorporating regular workouts, particularly resistance training, is key to succeeding on this plan if weight loss or improved body composition are goals.”

UpDayDownDay aka Alternate-Day Fasting

This way of eating was developed by James Johnson, M.D.. The concept is to eat a 2000-2500 calorie diet one day (considered normal range) and then a 400-500 calorie diet the next day and so on. 

This type of IF has reports of users losing upwards of 2 to 2.5 pounds per week. Binging on normal eating days could result in compromising the success of this IF so it is important to remain eating healthy choices.

The Warrior Diet

The concept of ‘The Warrior Diet’ is that humans are nocturnal eaters needing only one large meal per day during the evening hours. The rest of the day (about 20 hours) is dedicated to hunting so it essentially becomes a 20 hour fast. 

According to the Daily Burn, 

“This is supposed to maximize the Sympathetic Nervous System’s “fight or flight” response, which is intended to promote alertness, boost energy, and stimulate fat burning.”


Think twice about how much food you consume, how much food you really need, and how to combine foods. Natural weight loss through these 5 ways to intermittent fasting could be an excellent “re-set” of your eating habits. Add in some detailed workout regiments and you could be starting a path toward weight loss and optimal health that is a lot easier than fad foods or diets.