The Skinny on Your Yogurt

Yogurt has gone from an obscure Middle Eastern condiment or female only snack to an all around super food for all. It can be found in the...

5 Foods That Cleanse Your Liver

Your liver is a veritable cleaning powerhouse. Everything you consume travels through it to either be put to good use or extracted from your system....

The Dairy-Acne Link

For many, acne can (or was) a challenge during teen years. Obviously the worst time to have anything visually challenging that could fuel ridicule...

5 Reasons to Eat Chia Seeds

There are many foods that pack a super nutritional punch and chia seeds are at the top of the list. These tiny wonders have a rich history of being...

Benefits of Dark Chocolate

The bittersweet properties of dark chocolate may be a candy choice that’s actually good for you. Used medicinally over 5,000 years ago, chocolate is...

5 Muscle Cramp Fixes

Many people have experienced muscle cramps and spasms but none can predict their occurrence. That punching, grabbing pain of a deep contraction can...

The Wonders of Wheatgrass

It sure has an odd name but wheatgrass could be a powerful addition to your supplemental regiment. See what wheatgrass has to offer and you may be...

8 Natural Remedies for Bags Under Your Eyes

You wake up in the morning, turn on the bathroom light, gaze in the mirror and it looks like you’ve just been in a prize fight. Under your eyes are...

Wise Workout Tips: Part II

If you were able to follow Wise Workout Tips: Part I by shedding some pounds and maintaining a regimented cardio workout for at least 21 days, then...

Toxic Seafood: Be Careful What You Eat

There seems to be toxic residue in just about everything we eat these days and that is why it is even more important to be wary of your food...

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