Solanaceae is the botanical name for any fruit or vegetable that belongs to the night shade family. However, out of over 2,000 solanum genus species, 6 could be causing you anywhere from mild discomfort to all out pain without you even realizing it. Unfortunately, 5 out of the 6 are in foods you most likely eat on a daily basis.
Nightshade Attack
Many small studies have shown that certain nightshades may have inflammatory effects on humans. Specifically, it is believed that there are inflammatory causing alkaloids within six nightshade plants.
For many people giving up these nightshades has been an effective pain reducer, particularly for challenges associated with the joints and gastrointestinal tract. Reports of minimizing or discontinuing reliance on one or more medications one may be taking for such pain has also been attributed to giving up nightshades. Never discontinue your medication without your doctor’s consent.
Dr. Norman Childers of The Arthritis Nightshades Research Foundation found that,
“…alkaloids can disturb calcium metabolism in the body, causing aches and pains in the joints. Removing nightshade vegetables from the diet has been known to greatly reduce inflammation and joint pain, as well as some symptoms of digestive discomfort and GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease).” (Dr. Frank Lipman)
The Solanaceae 6
The 6 nightshades are:
Those who are challenged with conditions or diseases such as knee pain, tendonitis, arthritis, intestinal discomfort or GERD may find relief when removing these foods from their diet.
Are You Misdiagnosed?
With over 49 million American people suffering from arthritis alone, there is belief that many of these people may be misdiagnosed.
Natural News reports that,
“Some researchers believe that arthritis is often misdiagnosed in people who may in fact be experiencing the side effects of nightshade consumption. Many who suffer with arthritis or an arthritis related disease such as lupus, rheumatism, and other musculoskeletal pain disorders, have found that consuming foods from the nightshade family is in fact adversely affecting their health.”
Many Foods Contain Poison
That’s right, many foods you eat contain trace amounts of poisons that your body can usually handle. The nightshade poisons have been found to be natural pesticides which may account for their response in humans. The alkaloids in these 6 nightshades and how they may effect you can cause a concern in certain individuals.
It is believed that those who consume high amounts of nightshades, have weak immune systems or struggle with a sensitive digestive tract may be more susceptible to experiencing nightshade induced symptoms.
According to Dr. Childers,
“Diet appears to be a factor in the etiology of arthritis based on surveys of over 1,400 volunteers during a 20-year period. Plants in the drug family, Solanaceae (nightshades) are an important causative factor in arthritis in sensitive people.”
Substitute Your Solanaceae With a 3 Month Challenge
Potatoes, eggplant and tomatoes may be a major staple in your life and for good reason. They have taken over so many previous choices before industrial farming. Now these foods are found in just about everything including ketchup, french fries, fillers, and sauces. It has been theorized that nightshade sensitivity could be the result of generational accumulation possibly causing systemic resistance.
There are excellent substitutes you can implement that are just as satisfying. If you have joint or digestive pain, a 3 month challenge of avoiding these 6 nightshades is a good tool to see if it is the result of your diet. Some have found relief much sooner than 3 months with reports of pain reduction in only a few weeks.
You may want to break a pain cycle you could be unknowingly perpetuating by simply changing the foods you eat.