Treating DOMS aka Muscle Fever

The body can be a fickle thing and just when you get into the groove of lifestyle changes such as an improved diet and exercise program, compromises...

Skip Breakfast, Take Supplements, Lower AMD Risk

The more science debunks our past programming the more we can reasonably take control of our health. Past programming includes such non-medical,...

In the News: Vitamin D May Help Prevent Virus Infections

Yes, you’ve probably heard it more than once, how vitamin D (specifically D3) is supposed to be good for you. Well, it turns out that more people...

3 Benefits of Collagen Supplements

Collagen is a protein that makes up approximately one-third of your body’s protein composition. It acts as a kind of adhesive that holds together a...

Ground Breaking Research: Micromicellar Boosts Carotenoid Delivery for AMD

New research reveals how three specific carotenoids (plant pigment compounds) can now be delivered to the retina faster and with more potency for...

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