Unexpected Ways to Help or Prevent Macular Degeneration and other Vision Challenges

You may be unaware that living in such a fast paced, industrialized, digital world could be putting your vision at risk. Whether it’s...

New Study: Vitamin B3 May Help Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration

Making sure you get enough avocado, mushrooms, peanut butter, turkey or chicken means getting enough vitamin B3. Essential for breaking down...

Marijuana for Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Night Vision: Jury Still Out

The continuing ‘hot button’ of marijuana legality looms. However, with 29 states legalizing it in one form or another, it brings up concerning...

Eye Imaging Study Goes Deeper Into Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma

The advancement of medicine is more rapid today than any other time in history. This is mainly due to the instantaneous availability of things like...

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