As the global pandemic seems to be softening and more people are venturing from their COVID-19 hibernation, boosting your immune system is all the rage. Finally, people are taking seriously the ability to harness the body’s powerful ability to heal itself and it all starts with what you choose to eat.
Consuming foods that are in their natural state is essential to obtaining the full potency of plant-based medicinal compounds nature has devised for you. Knowing what to purchase at the supermarket or in a restaurant is important but incorporating immune boosting plants you can grow at home will empower your health beyond anything you can purchase elsewhere. These are some ideas you can start with and expand from there.
Strawberries and Blueberries
Super high antioxidant rich blueberries and strawberries can be grown easily. All you need is a small space that can house tiny bushes which easily yield hundreds of fresh, organic berries waiting to be picked for optimal health benefits several times per season.
According to a study of 93,600 women, ages 25 to 42, by Dr. Eric Rimm, associate professor at the Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School, the doctor commented,
“The sooner people start the type of diet that includes a higher intake of blueberries and strawberries, the better,”
The study indicated that women who ate just a few strawberries and blueberries every few days benefited. It was reported that,
“Women who ate the fewest blueberries and strawberries were at increased risk of heart attack. Those who ate the most were 34% less likely to have suffered a heart attack than were women who ate the least of these fruits.”
All it takes is a fistful of these berries will enhance cardiovascular health and immune boosting capability.
Go Herbal Crazy
There are a wide variety of immune boosting herbs you can simply grow in your backyard, on your porch, or along the terrace. These are some potent herb choices you can grow at home for fighting disease which can easily be added to recipes:
Best Veggies
You know by now how important vegetables are to your health. However, growing and consuming the right ones can make all the difference when it comes to fighting pathogens. These are the top veggies (as reported by Alternative Health Daily) you can grow and grab throughout the year (yes they can be frozen or jarred).
Kale – High levels of vitamin C as well as other potent antioxidants.
Tina Paymaster, a certified health and lifestyle coach and an “ambassador” for National Kale Day commented to Live Science,
“Kale is high in vitamins K, A, and C. Vitamin K is important for heart health, blot clotting, bone health, cancer prevention and diabetes prevention. Vitamin A helps support skin health and vision. Vitamin C is important for immune health and joint health, helps to keep the body hydrated and also increases your metabolism.”
“The red ones are the most nutritious because they’ve been on the vine the longest. Compared to the green peppers, reds contain 1.5 times more Vitamin C, eight times more Vitamin A and 11 times more beta carotene, according to the University of the District of Columbia’s Center for Nutrition, Diet and Health.”
Immune Boosting Plants You Can Grow At Home
It doesn’t take much to purchase some nutrient rich soil, find a plot of land or a good set of plant pots and begin a project of tilling the earth. It is considered one of the most satisfying hobbies to tend to your own plant bed and what you reap makes it that much more beneficial. There are even a whole host of flowers that are good for your health as well as act like natural pesticides. Try your hand at starting some immune boosting plants you can grow at home and enjoy a path toward self-sustaining nutrition.