Diagnosis and Treatment for Keratoconus Eye Disease

Diagnosis and Treatment for Keratoconus Eye Disease

A disorder of the eyes, which leads to thinning of the cornea, is termed as keratoconus. This results in near-sightedness, blurry vision, double vision, light sensitivity, and astigmatism. In severe cases, a circle or scarring is seen in the cornea. Most often, you find that both the eyes are affected.

Keratoconus is normally caused due to a decrease in antioxidants, which are protective.

Collagen, which are protein fibers, help in holding the cornea in place. With the weakening of these fibers, the cornea cannot be kept in shape and tends to get a cone shaped progressively. This disorder is most often genetic. Those suffering from allergies and other eye problems, this disorder tend to increase in a rapid manner.

 Diagnosis of Keratoconus

An eye doctor can diagnose keratoconus, by going through the family history along with your medical history and conducting an eye examination. The Keratoconus test includes the following:


  1. Slit Lamp Examination:

A vertical light beam is directed on the surface of the eyes. The eye is examined with a microscope of a low power. The shape of the cornea is checked along with the possible damage. The back of the eyes is examined after dilation of the pupils. This is achieved with the help of eye drops.


  1. Eye Refraction:

The eye doctor uses specific equipment to measure the vision of the patient. The patient looks through a phropter, which is a device, holding wheels of various lenses. The doctor can easily judge with this equipment, which combination offers the best vision.


  1. Corneal Mapping:

Images of the cornea are recorded with the specific photographic tests. These are corneal topography and optical coherence topography. These images can record the shape map of the cornea and the thickness of the cornea can be measured with this test.


  1. Keratometry:

A circle of light is focused on the cornea and the reflection is measured, determining the shape of the cornea.


 Treatment of Keratoconus

The treatment of keratoconus depends on the severity of the condition and on the doctor.


  1. Hard Contact Lenses:

Hard contact lens or Scleral lens can help in improving the vision of those suffering from keratoconus disorder. A hard contact lens can even out the irregularities of the cornea and allow a good vision. In case, this contact lens is not suitable, there are chances of the doctor advising on surgery.


  1. Glasses/Spectacles:

In the early stages of keratoconus, the cornea is not too abnormally shaped. This is the time when glasses can be used for correcting the vision. In case of progress in astigmatism, a test for the possibility of keratoconus is carried out.


  1. Intracorneal Rings:

A ring is inserted into the cornea with the help of a femtosecond laser, which creates channels. The shape of the cornea can be altered with the help of these rings and astigmatism can be reduced. The central cornea is flattened can reduce short sightedness.


  1. Corneal Transplants:

In advanced stages of keratoconus, there is a requirement of a corneal transplant. The DALK (Deep Anterior Lamellar) or partial thickness is one of the preferred options. A PK (Penetrating keratoplasty) or a full thickness was used in the past. For grafting procedures to be enabled, precise lasers are used in laser vision correction.


Future Treatment

Collagen cross-linking is one treatment that works as promising for those suffering from keratoconus. This process is carried out with the help of UVA light and eye drops for strengthening the tissues of the affected cornea. This treatment is yet being tested.

Before opting an eye clinic for the testing of keratoconus, it is important to note down the symptoms and the time you have been going through these. Make a note of the medications you are taking and any major stress you have gone through.

 Author Bio:

Alyssa Moylan is an ordinary woman from Australia, a writer by day and a reader by night. She writes on various topics like lifestyle, health, wellness and fashion. Follow her on Google+ and Twitter.