5 Natural Itching Remedies

Whether it is sunburn, dry skin, an allergic reaction or any other number of causes, itching can be  a very uncomfortable condition. It is so...

Colloidal Silver: A Leap of Faith

It can be overwhelming the number of miracle remedies thrown at you on a daily basis. From growing hair to curing cancer it seems almost criminal so...

AMD and 4 Foods that Cause Total Blindness

The more we learn of how, primarily, the western diet is adding to a long list of health compromises, the more reasons you have to take action or...

6 Home Healing Hacks

We often get hurt at the most inopportune times. On a holiday or in the middle of the night when stores are closed you may obtain a nasty bruise,...

4 Benefits of Dried Seaweed Snacks

Some consider seaweed one of the healthiest foods on the planet. It is a sea vegetable and grows along rocky shorelines throughout the globe used...

The Many Benefits of Mugwort

There is a fast growing weed that most people would destroy, but, like many other weeds, this weed is a health powerhouse which can easily be put to...

Natural Gallstone Remedies and Recipes

Gallstones can be very painful and may even run in your family. These “stones” are formed when various digestive and other fluids somehow solidify,...

Caffeine May Help Prevent Macular Degeneration

If you ever needed an excuse to keep drinking your beloved coffee now may be the time to cash in on caffeine consumption. Drinking beverages with...

Ways to Stay Healthy at Work

Now that people are going back to the office or just continuing to grind at home, these     ways to stay healthy at work may help catapult...

7 Natural Cold Sore Remedies

Cold sores are a common occurrence on many people and there are a variety of treatments that can be applied. Most will instinctively visit their...

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