15 Ways To Sleep Without Pain

As you age you may be taken by surprise how painful sleeping can become. Many people report being unable to find a comfortable sleep position and...

Macular Degeneration Advancements: Growing Spare Parts in a Lab

Growing human anatomy in a laboratory dish is becoming more popular than ever. From ears to skin, stem cell science has made it possible for a...

5 Benefits of CBD Oil

Now that marijuana is all the rage, you may be seeing CBD (cannabidiol) oil supplements popping up everywhere. From your neighborhood health food...

Importance of Skin Health and 6 Rules to Keep it in Good Condition

We are presently living in the generation of social media where selfies have become a normal habit if you possess a phone with a working camera....

5 Surprising Honey Fixes

Simpler times included simpler remedies with little to worry about when it came to side effects or inefficiency. These were remedies derived from...

Storing Stem Cells May Save Your Life

Medical technology and research advancement is propelling society into such an uncharted world it won’t be long before it resembles scenes from...

6 Reasons to Stop Trying to Be Happy

It seems that the search for happiness has gotten out of hand. Back in the day, getting a good job, marriage, kids and house were enough of a goal...

Tips to Help You Perform a Home Screening for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a curve in the spine that affects more than 7 million people. That’s around 2-3% of the entire population of the United States....

An Athlete’s Guide to Hydration: When, What, And How Much

Heat, humidity, age, body mass, and level of physical activity – there are numerous factors to hydration, particularly that of an athlete. While...

AMD Connected To Overactive Immune System

Your immune system is an incredible combination of cells and organs that work non-stop to keep infection from attacking your body. When it comes to...

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