5 Benefits of CBD Oil

5 Benefits of CBD Oil

Now that marijuana is all the rage, you may be seeing CBD (cannabidiol) oil supplements popping up everywhere. From your neighborhood health food store to just about any gas station, this oil can be found in states where marijuana is legal as well as states where it is illegal. This is because CBD oil does not contain the psychoactive, “high inducing” ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but it does contain properties that may be valuable to your health.

Take a look at these 5 benefits of CBD oil to see if it might be something that calms your ailments.

Reduce Arthritic Pain

Let’s face it, most people over the age of forty have some type of pain. Then there are children, teens, and 20/30 somethings that suffer from non-age-related aches due to trauma or disease. Regardless, pain is pain and with scores of over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications you can attempt to rapidly quell your pain. Yet, there could be a price when it comes to your liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal system. This is where CBD oil may help.

In laboratory rodents, research published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM) from 2012 found that,

“There is strong evidence suggesting that non-psychoactive cannabinoids can also alleviate chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain in animals,…Our recent study suggests that cannabinoid potentiation of GlyRs [glycine receptors] can produce a potent analgesic effect in mice,…These cannabinoids may represent a novel class of therapeutic agents for the treatment of chronic pain and other diseases involving GlyR dysfunction.”

Four years later, in 2016, research out of the University of Kentucky published in the European Journal of Pain concluded,

“These studies demonstrate transdermal administration of CBD has long-lasting therapeutic effects without psychoactive side-effects. Thus, use of topical CBD has potential as effective treatment of arthritic symptomatology. At present, one in five (21%) adults worldwide are diagnosed with some form of arthritis by their physicians. The data presented suggest transdermal CBD is a good candidate for developing improved therapies for these debilitating disease.”

If you have arthritic joint pain, oral or topical CBD oil may reduce inflammation.


Seizures may not be at the top of your list but if you or someone you know suffers from these ‘brain storms’, CBD oil has good science behind reducing episodes. This was first discovered when applied to a a little girl named Charlotte who was challenged by rare disorder that caused  hundreds of seizures per day. At their wit’s end, Charlotte’s parents relocated to Colorado for experimental treatments using CBD oil. The results were short of miraculous reducing Charlotte’s seizures to only a few per day.

Most people who take Charlotte’s Web (the patented name of this strain formula) are 99.9% seizure free with minimal, if any, side effects.

Combat Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are a huge factor in the development of disease. Overproduction of fight or flight hormones can be produced by the brain sending your body into constant defense mode. Anxiety is particularly found to increase during the change of seasons which has been shown to develop into the depressive condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). CBD oil has been found to alleviate anxiety and rebalance your brain so you can take the time to focus on what is important, in the moment, regardless of negative outside stimulus.

A study by researchers from the Department of Neurosciences and Behavior, Division of Psychiatry, University of São Paulo which was published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology stated that,

“Relative to placebo, CBD was associated with significantly decreased subjective anxiety,..These results suggest that CBD reduces anxiety in SAD and that this is related to its effects on activity in limbic and para-limbic brain areas.”

Incidentally, in states where marijuana is legal, THC infused protocols have significantly reduced anxiety as well.

Control Diabetes

Dietary changes are probably the most beneficial remedies for alleviating and in many cases curing diabetes. However, add in some CBD oil therapy and you may be able to control your current diabetes while switching to a more beneficial diet to make the transition that much more successful.

“CBD is not psychoactive and has anti-inflammatory and anti autoimmune properties. Based on the above presented results, on the previously documented anti-inflammatory effects of CBD and on its clinical safety, it seems reasonable to consider the use of CBD for controlling type 1 diabetes at an early stage of the disease.”

If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor about using CBD oil as a helpful adjunct.

Get Some Z’s

Most people who use marijuana with THC will tell you that it helps them sleep. However, if you want to forego the psychoactive effects CBD oil may do the trick as well. According to a survey reported by Shape magazine, “nearly 60 percent of people taking cannabidiol—better known as CBD, one of the over 80 compounds found in the marijuana plant—are doing it to help with sleep”. Studies are still underway to determine the biological effects of CBD oil on sleep patterns but observational studies continue to report highly beneficial results.
Now that marijuana is losing its stigma and entering mainstream as a medical and recreational accepted remedy, why not take advantage of these 5 benefits of CBD oil. It is yet another alternative remedy you can try that doesn’t put money in the pockets of Big Pharma and all its side effect inducing medicines.