Workout Tips For Running

Running is a real workout. Jogging is, well, jogging. If you are a runner you know it and re-balancing, reminding and reinventing yourself when it...

Coconut: Top of the Superfood Chain

For years, the mainstream view on coconut consisted of tropical drinks by the pool. Now, this sweet, hearty botanical treat can be found in just...

Myths and Maneuvers of Eating Before Bed

You come home from a late night shift or after partying with friends and you are starving for just about anything. There’s a tray of lasagna waiting...

5 Ways to Naturally Manage Colitis

Colitis is one type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes pain and inflammation in the colon and rectum. It is believed to be an...

MSG Culprits: How Monosodium Glutamate May Still be in Your Diet

It was because of the Chinese food industry’s overuse of monosodium glutamate (MSG) that first brought to light its potential dangers. Since then...

12 Best Supplements for Men

The human male system needs its own set of supplements. Blindly taking a ‘pressboard’ version of vitamins and minerals packed into one pill can be...

Choosing the Right Probiotic

You may have heard of probiotics, the “good” bacteria that can help people stay healthy. Various studies show that there may be a multitude of...

How Your Gut May Affect Your Brain

Some believe an unhealthy diet compromises the micro-biome community of the body possibly leading to dementia, Alzheimer’s, mood disorders,...

3 Benefits of Butterbur: Headache, Asthma and Allergy Relief

Sometimes a particular herb is like the cream that rises to the top and butterbur is one of those herbs. It is derived from a shrub indigenous to...

6 Healing Properties of Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar has an odd smell and tastes sort of tangy bitter. It has the ability to positively enhance the flavor of many recipes as well as unclog...

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