5 Natural Nootropics to Enhance Your Life

Nootropics are a unique class of smart drugs and brain supplements which are purported to improve cognitive ability. Most nootropics share the...

E-Cig Flavor Cardiovascular Risk

Just when smokers thought getting off the hard stuff was behind them, e-cigarettes get another thumbs down. Turns out that enjoying a cloudy puff of...

6 Top All-Natural Hacks to Help in Addiction Recovery

Substance abuse is a problem that often requires medical treatment. This is the norm for the initial stages. Later, many patients eventually see the...

Stem Cells Get Closer To Curing Macular Degeneration

Stem cells are the buzz words you have probably been hearing about for years, and for good reason. Stem cells have been rising in the ranks as a...

Lupus Disease – What You Need To Know

Lupus is a disease that confuses the immune system into attacking itself. This is called an autoimmune disease, one of many that the medical...

4 Heavy Metal Poisoning Natural Therapies

You know it is a highly toxic world we all live in but what you might not know is how some of these toxins may be quietly causing you pain. ...

5 Foods That May Affect Your Dreams

Whether you are a lucid dreamer or haven’t had a nocturnal image in years, these foods just might enhance your slumbering experience. Throughout...

What Are Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids are any synthetic drugs or substances with chemical compositions similar to (and may be affecting the body as) testosterone....

Graphic Design Trends in the Healthy Food Industry

In modern times, food brands finally stopped hiding information on their packaging. The opposite, companies producing healthy products are proud of...

Blind Mice Regain Sight, May Help Cure Macular Degeneration

Scientists at the University of California-Berkley reported that a recent gene therapy application has cured mice of blindness caused by retinal...

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