Is it safe for kids to take supplements?

Iron is crucial for growth and development in children and adults. Some foods naturally contain iron, and they also can be taken in the form of...

Delta 8, Delta 9 & Delta 10 — What’s the Difference?

You’ve certainly heard of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, but, like many people, you may have been surprised...

5 Natural Itching Remedies

Whether it is sunburn, dry skin, an allergic reaction or any other number of causes, itching can be  a very uncomfortable condition. It is so...

Colloidal Silver: A Leap of Faith

It can be overwhelming the number of miracle remedies thrown at you on a daily basis. From growing hair to curing cancer it seems almost criminal so...

AMD and 4 Foods that Cause Total Blindness

The more we learn of how, primarily, the western diet is adding to a long list of health compromises, the more reasons you have to take action or...

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