Natural Relief for Asthma

The CDC estimates that over 25 million people suffer from some form of asthma. There are also many others that are either borderline asthmatics or...

Macular Degeneration Protection While Remote Learning or Working

COVID-19 has created a paradigm shift on so many levels it can be hard to keep up with the constant changes implemented on a daily basis. This has...

5 Hidden Causes of Body Odor

Body odor can be a turnoff. Most times it is just plain old stinky bacteria but sometimes body odor can be caused by other things like a biological...

Are You Gluten Intolerant? Here’s 4 Symptoms

Gluten-free food can be found in many supermarkets and restaurants today. This is mostly in response to an inherited autoimmune disorder. This...

Wearable AMD Device Gets Approval

When it comes to navigating everyday activities, dealing with a physical or cognitive compromise can be very challenging. Many people do not have a...

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