Amount of Fiber You Need to Prevent Disease

Amount of Fiber You Need to Prevent Disease

Fiber has long been an important dietary recommendation for optimal health, primarily suggested for those over fifty-years of age as the body begins to become less resilient to disease. Fiber has been studied as helping the body fight or reduce symptoms of such diseases as diabetes and cardiovascular illness to name a few of its many health benefits. Yet, not many of the studies have determined the actual amount of fiber you need to prevent disease.

Now, a new meta-analysis result of 40 years of data (observational studies and clinical trials) pinpoints how much fiber you should consume per day, what it does for the body, and how to maintain an adequate fiber diet protocol.

Get Your Roughage

The general layperson’s term for fiber is the word roughage. This describes the indigestible part of a heavy fiber plant you may consume however there are two types of fiber: 

Soluble – Turns gelatinous in the colon helping absorb fatty acids while reducing cholesterol, regulating sugar and strengthening gut bacteria. 

Insoluble – Never changes form and drags through the colon taking embedded toxins and colon wall intruders along with it. 

Both are important to optimal health. Recommended roughage sources include vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and legumes (beans). Some notable roughage as reported by Healthline and the percentage of fiber (per 100 grams) in each are:

  • Chia Seeds 34.4%
  • Popcorn 14.5%
  • Almonds 12.5%
  • Oats 10.6%
  • Artichoke 8.6%
  • Split Peas 8.3%
  • Lentils 7.9%
  • Chickpeas 7.6%
  • Avocado 6.7%
  • Raspberries 6.5%
  • Pears 3.1%
  • Apples 2.4%

These foods are able to travel through the digestive system absorbing excess fluids, primarily water. As a result, bowel movements become easier and elimination of potentially embedded, toxins is more efficient.

Fiber Benefits

Proper amounts of fiber have shown significant benefits to human health. According to a study of the effects of fiber, published in The Lancet (1/10/19), a renowned peer-reviewed journal, 

“data from 185 prospective studies and 58 clinical trials with 4635 adult participants were included in the analyses. Observational data suggest a 15–30% decrease in all-cause and cardiovascular related mortality, and incidence of coronary heart disease, stroke incidence and mortality, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer when comparing the highest dietary fibre consumers with the lowest consumers Clinical trials show significantly lower bodyweight, systolic blood pressure, and total cholesterol when comparing higher with lower intakes of dietary fibre.”

In addition, fiber has been linked to delaying brain aging. A groundbreaking study published in Frontiers in Immunology: Nutritional Immunology (8/14/18) as reported by Medical News Today, 

“Eating fiber-rich foods — such as broccoli, nuts, oats, beans, and whole-grain bread — might help delay brain aging by triggering the production of a short-chain fatty acid that has anti-inflammatory properties.”

Gverall, healthy amounts of fiber have been linked to benefitting heart and gastrointestinal health, battling diabetes, and maintaining healthy body weight. 

Fiber Protocol

The amount of fiber you need to prevent disease was determined from the 40 years of data compiled in The Lancet study. Current statistics show an approximate 15 grams of fiber per person per day is the general amount consumed. This new study reveals that this may not be enough, 

“Risk reduction associated with a range of critical outcomes was greatest when daily intake of dietary fibre was between 25 g and 29 g. Dose-response curves suggested that higher intakes of dietary fibre could confer even greater benefit to protect against cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal and breast cancer.”

To determine what exactly 25-29 grams measures out to be, using an online conversion chart can help. It all depends on what the material is. For example, 100 grams of chia seeds comes out to about half a cup when 100 grams of almonds might be about one cup. Overall, fitting fiber into your daily protocol shouldn’t be that hard.

The amount of fiber you need to prevent disease is essential to your optimal health. Don’t let fear of fat producing carbohydrates stop you from obtaining important fiber sources. If you stay away from processed foods, get enough exercise, and eat a diet rich in mostly plant-based proteins you should gain enough fiber and antioxidants to keep you running on all cylinders for years to come.