Naturally Stop Your Overactive Bladder

Naturally Stop Your Overactive Bladder

As you age you may begin to struggle with more urinary trips to the bathroom. Going to events or visiting people could make you think twice about how much fluid you drink to avoid multiple, embarrassing, commode visits. It is an inconvenience that has taken the pharmaceutical industry by storm with a slew of medicines to quell this natural progression.

Women are more prone to an overactive bladder but men can also struggle with bathroom visits due to an enlarged prostate. Symptoms you may be experiencing include:

  • Going to the bathroom more than usual (the average person goes four to eight times per day)
  • Being unable to hold your urine
  • Experiencing leakage when you feel you need to urinate (this is called incontinence)
  • Interrupting your nighttime sleep with several trips to the bathroom

Before you succumb to a synthetic solution there are ways you might be able to calm your overactive bladder naturally. These are easy suggestions that just may have you doing less squirming and more enjoying wherever you go.

The Spicy Savior

Capsaicin is derived from the fleshy part of the chile pepper. In capsule form it has shown to help certain individuals challenged by an overactive bladder (OAB).

In a study by researchers from the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, it was found that,

“Capsaicin efficiency was rated very high for both overactive and hypersensitive bladder and primary detrusor instability. In Thailand, it has been possible to produce capsaicin using local chili supplies, thus the price of the drug itself is very economical. When considering the efficiency and the inexpensive cost of capsaicin, this treatment would be another great alternative for overactive and hypersensitive bladder cure.”

Pumpkin’s Tiny Helper

The dried, fat, meaty seeds from the pumpkin squash contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and zinc. These two components may play a role in helping relieve or reduce OAB symptoms.

Japanese researchers published a study in the Journal of Traditional and Complimentary Medicine stating that,

“Forty-five subjects were enrolled in this study. An extract of pumpkin seed oil from C. maxima (10 g of oil/day) was orally administrated for 12 weeks. After 6 and 12 weeks, urinary function was evaluated using Overactive Bladder Symptom Score (OABSS). Pumpkin seed oil from C. maxima significantly reduced the degree of OABSS in the subjects. The results from our study suggest that pumpkin seed oil extracts from C. maxima as well as from C. pepo are effective for urinary disorders such as OAB in humans.”


Kegel (kee-gal) exercises are designed to strengthen your pelvic floor which may help control your bladder by decreasing involuntary contractions. Health Line explains the easy Kegel steps you can apply as a daily routine each chance you get throughout the day. These exercises may also help prostate weakness.

  • Try stopping your urine mid-stream when going. The muscles you use are pelvic floor muscles. This is what you’ll focus on contracting during Kegel exercises.
  • Focus on tightening those muscles when you have an empty bladder. Hold this position for about five-seconds at a time. Relax the muscles and then repeat five times. As your muscles get stronger, increase the duration to 10 seconds and 10 repetitions. Perform the exercises 10 or more times a day.
  • Breathe normally when doing these exercises.
  • Avoid squeezing your stomach, thighs, or buttocks instead of your pelvic floor muscles.

Slim It

Weight loss is a tough battle but when committed, it can help relieve pain and challenges from bad knees to urinary incontinence. The less weight you carry around, the less taxed your entire system becomes and for an overactive bladder it may be all you need to gain relief.

The Journal of Urology cites a 2005 study that showed combined research from middle aged women over a three month period. The conclusion reports that,

“Weight reduction is an effective treatment for overweight and obese women with UI [urinary incontinence]. Weight loss of 5% to 10% has an efficacy similar to that of other nonsurgical treatments and should be considered a first line therapy for incontinence.”

Avoid Food Triggers

An overactive bladder has been shown to react to certain food triggers. According to Everyday Health, doctors have identified a number of foods and drinks that can worsen overactive bladders, including:

  • Caffeinated beverages and foods
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy foods
  • Citrus fruits and juices
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Milk and milk products
  • Sugar or honey
  • Artificial sweeteners

Pay attention to your bladder and your body as it is continually giving you clues for maintaining optimal health. Calming your overactive bladder naturally takes some simple adjustments and vigilance to help you stay put when it is needed most.