7 Small Steps to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

7 Small Steps to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Most common cardiovascular conditions that are a matter of great concern consist of congestive heart failure, arteriolosclerosis, and ischemic heart disease. The American Heart Association shows that cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading reasons for death worldwide. Thus, it is essential to keep your cardiovascular health in mind. You can maintain your cardiovascular health with several lifestyle changes. Let’s check out seven small steps to improve your cardiovascular health.

1. Cut Back On The Intake Of Sodium

Your body only needs around 500 mg of sodium every day, so try choosing sodium-free seasonings. Besides, it is better to beware of hidden salts in fast food and snacks. Sodium is beneficial for regulating fluids within your body, but too much salt can lead to water retention.

2. Exercise

Exercising regularly can aid in boosting circulation and improving cholesterol levels. It also helps to improve your lung and heart function. It is also an ideal way to stay fit and increases your metabolic rate, tones your muscles, and reduces your resting heart rate over time. Exercise also increases HDL levels (good cholesterol) and lowers LDL levels (bad cholesterol) in your body. It further increases insulin sensitivity, reduces blood pressure, and decreases total body weight – all of which have an excellent effect on your health and the cardiovascular system as well. It is best to start with low-impact exercises such as yoga or walking.

3. Cut Back On Alcohol And Stop Smoking

Occasional drinking is fine, but drinking over three alcoholic beverages per day is not suitable for your heart and can also increase blood pressure. Many toxic substances present in cigarette smoke are harmful to the general health of the abuser and the cardiovascular system, with more than 4000 carcinogenic substances and nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide emissions. Nicotine prevents the blood vessels, slowing down blood flow and increasing blood pressure. Quitting these habits is not easy, but the complete result will help to better your heart health significantly.

4. Control Your Stress

Sometimes you might have financial problems, a turbulent relationship, or even health issues which can cause you to feel stressed. Chronic stress sadly can cause long-lasting depressive symptoms weakening your heart and raising blood pressure. It’s imperative for the general health of your body and your cardiovascular system at the same time. Thus, it is best to keep your stressors at bay by going for a walk with your friends or even your dog, mediating or immersing in your favorite hobby.

5. Have A Healthy Diet

Cut down foods rich in saturated fats and fatty fried foods to maintain a healthful diet. Also, avoid trans-fat present in deep-fried food and refined and processed foods such as pasta, white rice, and bread. Instead, choose low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and green leafy vegetables. Plus, consume fishes such as mackerel, tuna, and salmon at least one time in a week, because they are flooded with omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your heart. Along with that, eat foods rich in iron, fiber, nutrients, and whole-grains that will improve your cardiovascular health.

6. Add The Much-Needed Supplements

You can use many supplements for healthy heart function. One such supplement providing the much-needed adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is coenzyme Q. The heart is a busy organ because it beats 86,400 times per day, daily, for your whole life, so it needs a constant supply of energy. Besides, pantothenic acid – an active component of CoQ10 contains lipid-lowering activity, which can help lower high cholesterol levels in your blood. Another supplement is fish oil. It is beneficial for preventing heart attacks or stroke, improving sensitivity to insulin, and lowering the risk of sudden cardiac failure.

7. Drink Some Red Wine

Drinking a little red wine every day is useful for your heart. Red wine consists of compounds called polyphenols, which can nudge up the levels of HDL. Besides, the resveratrol in it helps to keep a check on unwanted clotting, thus protecting the arterial walls and supporting heart health. However, over consumption of red wine has adverse effects on your heart. For men, it is best to consume up to two drinks a day. A single glass of red wine per day is enough for women.

Foods To Revitalize Your Cardiovascular Health

Apart from exercising regularly, a healthy diet is a great aid to inhibit cardiovascular diseases by maintaining proper cholesterol levels, decreasing harmful cholesterol levels, reducing triglyceride levels and blood pressure levels, and preventing undesirable clotting. Here are a few of the best foods that can revitalize your cardiovascular health.

1. Blueberries

Blueberries have copious amounts of antioxidants including vitamin C, ellagic acid (a polyphenol), anthocyanin (a flavonoid), and lutein (carotenoids). These antioxidants help to bust the oxidized LDL, thus preventing plaque formation in the arteries. Consuming blueberries may help control blood pressure. You can add dried or fresh blueberries to your pancakes, cereal, or yogurt. Raspberries, cranberries, and strawberries are also high for heart health.

2. Walnuts

Walnuts are storehouses of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, vitamin E, magnesium, mono-and polyunsaturated fats, folate, and fiber, which are beneficial for promoting cardiovascular health. Your cholesterol & inflammation in arterial walls may be reduced with just a handful of walnuts. You can add walnuts to your cakes, salads, muffins, brownies, and cookies for an added flavor. Also, snack on them in between meals.

3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil holds antioxidants called polyphenol and healthy monounsaturated fats, which are suitable for your cardiovascular health. Daily consumption of olive oil may help to protect blood vessels and decrease cholesterol levels. You can use it as a dressing in your steamed vegetables, soups, salads, and bread or use in your culinary practices.

4. Oranges

Oranges are full of vitamin C that is famous for its cardioprotective abilities. Along with that, this citrus fruit provides you with potentially heart-healthy nutrients such as fiber, folate, potassium, lutein, flavones, and beta-carotene. These nutrients may help to improve blood vessel function, reduce artery inflammation, and manage high blood pressure. You can eat an orange as a healthful afternoon snack or a part of your breakfast in the morning.

5. Black Beans

Black beans possess a brilliant composition of nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, soluble fiber, calcium, niacin, B complex vitamins, and magnesium, all of which are potent in lowering LDL levels, total cholesterol, and blood glucose levels to normal. They are also loaded with dietary protein. According to health experts, eating about four servings of black beans a week may reduce your risk of developing heart disease. You can serve black beans as a main dish or a side dish. Also, add them in your salads and soups.

6. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are filled with omega-3 fatty acids, which can regulate blood pressure while reducing triglyceride levels.  In addition to this, these heart-healthy seeds may help to reduce bad cholesterol and plaque buildup and lower your risk of arrhythmia. You can eat Chia seeds as it is or blend them into soups or smoothies or top your yogurts and salads with them.

7. Oatmeal

Because of its high content of soluble fiber, oatmeal helps to bind lousy cholesterol in the digestive system and aid it its removal. This helps to keep a check on the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) while keeping your arteries clear. The low glycemic index of oatmeal aids in regulating blood sugar levels. To obtain the benefits, enjoy oat-based snacks during the day or a steaming bowl of oatmeal.

8. Dark Chocolate

Consumption of dark chocolate is thought to minimize various cardiovascular diseases. It contains a high concentration of cocoa, so it may improve the overall functioning and health of your heart and reduce your blood pressure. Apart from that, it exhibits the flavanols that can enhance the flow of blood and decrease the damage of free radicals. To reap its benefits, eat a square of dark chocolate every day.

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About the author:

Emily Pham is a blogger with many years of experience in searching for the best natural home remedies for beauty and health issues. All contents provided are for informational and educational purposes. We recommend you consult a healthcare professional to determine which method is appropriate for you.