6 Unexpected Healthy Choices for Your Teeth

6 Unexpected Healthy Choices for Your Teeth

Your teeth are your calling card. This is why scores of companies are making millions with the promise of straight white chompers you can display to the world.

The thing is, aside from being told to drink your milk (which can be a problem itself) other food choices for your oral health are rarely discussed. Yet, there are many vitamins, herbs and dietary choices you can implement to strengthen and preserve your smile.

These 6 unexpected healthy choices for your teeth are some of many you can remind yourself to use to stay ahead of the game.

Say Cheese

Eating too much cheese could adversely affect your digestive tract but eating it moderately may not be so bad, especially for your teeth.

A study published in the spring 2013 issue of General Dentistry showed the that compounds in cheese increase pH levels in saliva. This is good because low pH levels have been linked to tooth erosion.

Another study published in the Australian Dental Journall (4/91) stated that,

“…studies suggest that the use of cheese as the final food in a meal will help to reduce caries [bone decay]. Chewing cheese stimulates saliva flow. The alkaline nature of saliva buffers the acids formed in plaque. There is also an increased rate of sugar clearance due to the diluting action of cheese-stimulated saliva. Research has also suggested that chewing cheese may reduce the levels of cariogenic bacteria.”

Chew X

There is an ingredient in certain sugar-free chewing gum that some believe may help fight cavities.

It’s called xylitol and Beverly Hills dentist, Shawn Frawley comments on its benefits,

“Xylitol helps prevent cavities because bacteria that cause tooth decay cannot utilize it to grow and cannot metabolize it to produce acid. Xylitol is most effective in gum or mint form and should be consumed three to five times daily for a total of 5 grams per day.”

Look for xylitol as the first ingredient to gain its full benefits.

Red Vino 

Now, in addition to the various health properties of responsibly consuming red wine, anti-cavity results could be added to that list.

In a study titled ‘Red Wine and Oenological Extracts Display Antimicrobial Effects in an Oral Bacteria Biofilm Model’, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (4/29/14), it was found that,

“…red wine and de-alcoholized wine had an antimicrobial effect against F. nucleatum and S. oralis [major bacterial strains that contribute to tooth decay]”

One glass a few times per week may do the trick. Talk to your doctor and drink responsibly.

The Cilantro Secret

Cilantro (Sil-ahn-tro) is an herb used to enhance many savory dishes. It looks like parsley and is often added as a garnish. However, this unassuming plant, which is edible through and through, holds a variety of potential health benefits. One major contribution is its ability to act as an oral antifungal.

Researchers at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Dental School of Piracicaba, University of Campinas, Brazil had their study published in eCAM (Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine) stating that,

“The crude oil [cilantro] also affected the biofilm formation [oral bacteria] in C. albicans causing a decrease in the biofilm growth.The activity of C. sativum oil [cilantro] demonstrates its potential for a new natural antifungal formulation.”

Add cilantro to your meals and shakes or eat it raw. It also contains high levels of vitamin K an essential nutrient in forming osteocalcin, an important player in bone strength.


Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant supplement that is also produced by the body and found in every cell.

However, a study by Japanese researchers at the Department of Preventive Dentistry, Osaka University Faculty of Dentistry studied the topical application of CoQ10 to patients infected with periodontitis, a common gum disease.

It was concluded that,

“These results suggest that topical application of CoQ10 improves adult periodontitis not only as a sole treatment but also in combination with traditional nonsurgical periodontal therapy.”

Talk to your naturopathic doctor about CoQ10 application.

Nature’s Candy

Most would never consider eating raisins good for your teeth yet that’s exactly what they are alleged to do. This should be no surprise as raisins are simply dried grapes which have similar effects on the teeth when turned into wine. Raisins might not be a recommended cavity fighter by some dentists but science may change that.

According to WebMD, Christine D. Wu, a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, comments,

“Our laboratory analyses showed that phytochemicals in this popular snack food suppress the growth of several species of oral bacteria associated with [tooth decay] and gum disease…Raisins are perceived as sweet and sticky, and any food that contains sugar and is sticky is assumed to cause cavities, but our study suggests the contrary. Phytochemicals in raisins may benefit oral health by fighting bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.”

One or two handfuls of raisins are chock full of phytochemicals that may protect your teeth.

Reach for one or more of these 6 unexpected healthy choices for your teeth and keep your calling card sparkling.