The new buzz words are ‘bone on bone’. Chances are you’ve heard this and just the sound of it made you wince. Experiencing it, however, is something that has the potential to be highly effective while potentially taking you by painful surprise beforehand.
Rather than suffer in the dark, knowing what to expect using these 5 joint replacement surgery tips and 9 natural remedies to help just may keep you motoring along, through the thick of it, with minimal anxiety and pain.
Read the Annoying Handouts
Once you’ve made your appointment for hip, knee, or any other joint replacement surgery you’ll receive a barrage of information that may overwhelm. Take your time and read every word, the industry knows what it’s doing to keep you out of harm’s way.
Slim It, Build It
If needed, your doctor may recommend that you lose weight to make your recovery easier. If you are over weight it is a commitment highly worth the while as extra weight means extra pain and slower recovery.
You can also implement muscle building by following a weight training program. For example, if you are having knee replacement surgery, building the inner, outer, middle quads and hamstrings alone will reap positive results before and, when directed, after surgery.
Chow Smart, Eat Microbes
Eating less meat and more fresh grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits should buildup antioxidants in your bloodstream to help your body when it is on high alert.
Also, a majority of your immune system is in your gut. Taking probiotics like acidophilus on an empty stomach first thing in the morning will keep your gut microbe community in positive flux, especially during recovery. Drop the alcohol too, it will just weaken you.
The Day
On your day of surgery you are instructed not to eat many hours beforehand to avoid problems while under anesthesia. You will be asked repetitive questions, particularly which part of your body will be replaced. It is best to remain as calm as possible during this pre-op process, concentrating on breathing in your nose and out your mouth in a meditative way.
You may be wheeled or walked into the surgical theatre and do not be surprised if you see instruments laid out for your procedure.
After the surgery you will wake in recovery where you will most likely be somewhat disoriented and somewhat numb making it all seem like a dream.
It is very likely you will begin physical therapy hours later on the same day of your surgery. This may entail walking with a walker as well as attempting small steps all while assisted by a physical therapist (PT).
At Home
Once you are back home you will have a medicine protocol that consists of the following:
You may also receive a weekly home visit from a nurse and a PT and in time you may begin an out patient PT program where you go to a facility for your sessions.
This can be highly painful as the workouts require pushing you back to full range of motion. Talk to your doctor as it will most likely be recommended that you take your pain meds before PT to reduce pain and increase flexion progress. Always ice after PT.
Natural Pain Assistance
During the above protocol you may be able to enhance your recovery with natural pain assistance. It is a safe adjunct to your conventional meds however discussing it with a physician and/or naturopathic doctor is recommended.
Try some of these remedies which are best used under the guidance of a natural healthcare practitioner such as a naturopathic doctor. Some of these include the natural anti-inflammatory results of one or more of these herbal, nutritional, homeopathic and body work choices:
Using these natural fixes can sometimes reduce inflammation enough to allow delivery of antioxidant rich blood to infiltrate and help heal your surgery pain. Always ice your swelling in addition to these remedies.
Keep your scar clean and don’t overdo it as your body is not only dealing with your surgical injury but it is also detoxing from the anesthesia. Sleep is also highly recommended.
These 5 joint replacement surgery tips and 9 natural remedies to help could give you a leg up on your healing progress.