3 Diet Tips To Naturally Reverse Diabetes

3 Diet Tips To Naturally Reverse Diabetes

It is well documented that following specific dietary guidelines when challenged by diabetes is essential. Yet, so many seem to forget or ‘fall off the wagon’ when it comes to maintaining this sensitive requirement.

Reintroducing yourself to some nutritional choices as well as staying on top of current data can surely help you remain, or put you back, on a healthy track.

Staying On Point

The main goal of someone suffering from diabetes is to keep the blood sugar level at a manageable level. Manageable means that glucose must remain low to prevent a problematic, sometimes life threatening, systemic reaction.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) lists some of the many medicines used to achieve this which include “thiazolidinediones, DPP-4 inhibitors, sulfonylureas, bile acid sequestrants, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, biguanides, meglitinides and SGLT2 inhibitors.”

Although these medications are extremely important, the body can, over time, be taxed with a multitude of side effects that are considered collateral damage to prevent the bigger threat. Yet, in some cases, embracing a strict diet to control blood sugar levels could be the key to limiting or avoiding these medications altogether.

Note: Never stop taking your diabetes medication and replace with dietary changes without consulting your doctor first.

Change Your Mind

Unfortunately, society puts very little effort into educating people on how to eat for optimal health. Instead, mass produced and packaged foods have become the staple of many household diets. Eating these processed choices has become more of a hazard than a help to the human body resulting in a multitude of diseases.

Changing years of “dietary brainwashing” and embracing a new way of eating could be the greatest gift you give yourself. Rise above the hype and know that what you eat either feeds disease or prevents it. This is your choice.

Edible Heroin

Comparing refined sugar to the drug heroin may seem over the top but if you look at all the disease it has been linked to, it may not be such an alarming comparison.

When it comes to diabetes, eating refined sugar is like putting a needle in your arm. It raises your blood sugar level off the charts and then drops it like a lead balloon. This roller coaster ride then makes you ravage for any semblance of nutrition. You grab for anything within reach which is usually another processed food and the whole cycle starts over again.

Eventually, fatigue, obesity and other “complications” set in. Your diabetes spirals out of control potentially causing blindness, lost limbs, organ failure and death.

Choose alternative sweeteners such as stevia (a natural sweet leaf in the form of a powdery-like sugar), apple sauce and un-sulphured, unsweetened dried fruits. It may take time for your taste buds to readjust but eventually refined sugar will taste too sweet to eat.


Go Omega PDX for IL6

A recent study reported the possibility of the molecule protectin DX (also known as PDX), found in essential omega-3 fatty acids, being able to regulate blood sugar levels. Apparently, it assists in the manufacture and release of interleukin 6 (IL-6) which is linked to fighting infection by ramping up the immune system.

According to Professor André Marette, the Scientific Director of Université Laval’s Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods,, “the mechanism of action described for PDX represents a new therapeutic strategy for improving glucose control. Its efficacy may be comparable with that of certain drugs currently prescribed to control glycemia.”

So eat your flax and chia seeds (awesome on cereal or in a shake), fatty fish (sardines, salmon), walnuts, grape leaves and enriched eggs,  all great sources of omega-3.

These are a small example of the many foods you can use to replace poor choices that can exacerbate diabetes. Other foods include coconut, fresh produce and dark green leafy vegetables.

Overall, stay away from processed, packaged foods and eat as much live, plant based foods as possible. Always check with your doctor regarding any dietary changes.