Preventing Macular Degeneration May Prevent Mental Decline

Actor Anthony Hopkins once said, “Getting old ‘aint for the faint of heart.” He was most likely referring to all the trials and tribulations your...

Fruit Fly Clues Help Fight Macular Degeneration

The genetic makeup of the humble fruit fly surprisingly holds one of the closest relationships to the human genome. Upwards of 75% of genes that...

Stem Cells Closer to Reversing Macular Degeneration 

Researchers have been studying the effects of stem cells on macular degeneration for decades. Using animal models, small but important steps have...

Virtual Reality Assists Macular Degeneration Treatment

Each year a host of visual technology comes to market. These are either for entertainment, rehabilitation or both with the intent of making vision...

3-D Printed Retina May Cure Macular Degeneration

The revolution of 3D printing continues to astound with a variety of applications once considered impossible. Currently, this technology includes...

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