5 Anxiety Signs and 5 Natural Remedies

Anxiety can be defined on many levels. It may include anything from excess worry to being unable to leave your home. Either way, it is currently a...

Natural Help for H. Pylori

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a deceiving bacteria that can enter the system (usually through tainted food, compromised water, or poor hygiene)...

12 Natural Ways to Stop Excess Gas

You have certainly been there when your body has decided to swell with abdominal gas that is uncomfortable, embarrassing, and downright annoying....

7 Powerful Herbs for Healthy Digestion

As much as you may try to eat healthy there are plenty of times you are exposed to ‘dirty food’. This does not mean dirty in the literal sense but...

The Breakdown of Healthy Digestion

Having a healthy digestive system is crucial for our health. Going from a flat stomach to a bloated belly throughout the course of a day is linked ...