6 Natural Remedies for Glaucoma

Life can throw all sorts of pressure at you and, at times, it can be tough to get through it all. Well, as you deal with the daily grind of it all...

Marijuana May Encourage Brain Cell Growth

Now that marijuana (cannabis) has permeated its negative main stream stigma, more positive research is emerging. One stigma is that marijuana is...

5 Benefits of CBD Infused Food

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the non-intoxicating compound extracted from the male marijuana (hemp) plant. It is the female plant that carries the lion’s...

Medical Marijuana Recommended for Macular Degeneration

As more research emerges regarding the many benefits of marijuana and CBD (cannabidiol) oil, the more the medical industry and the general public...

Alzheimer’s Disease Treated by Medical Marijuana

The benefits of medical marijuana continue to emerge bringing this once rejected plant onto an even higher plane. Recent research shows that...