Micro-Implant and Calcium for End-Stage Macular Degeneration

Researchers are constantly trying different applications to treat macular degeneration. Recent studies are showing good response to a certain...

Don’t Eat Your Anti-nutrients

It can really be frustrating. You try to eat healthy, add more plant-based choices, exercise and just try to enjoy life. Then comes along pesky...

Osteoporosis Relief with Yoga

Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones due to genes, subpar-diet, lack of exercise, lifestyle or all the above. When diagnosed with this condition...

Calcium Ok, Does Not Cause Macular Degeneration

Calcium supplements are considered by some to be a risk for increasing the possibility of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Several...

How 50 Can be the New 40…Really!

Learn how 50 can be the new 40 with some ways to stave off aging decline. All it takes is a few adjustments and you could be running with the pack...