7 Foods that Inflame Arthritis

When it comes to optimal health, you may not realize how powerful your food choices can be. Sure, we all know vegetables and fiber are good for us...

4 Surprising Benefits of Walking

As modern society becomes more technologically advanced, it is the simple, healthy things in life that seem to suffer. From mom-n-pop stores being...

7 Simple Ways To Stop Morning Stiffness

If you wake up most mornings getting out of bed with slight or significant pain in your joints, these 7 simple ways to stop morning stiffness may...

5 Secret Natural Arthritis Remedies that Work

You may be familiar with the many natural remedies for joint pain, arthritis and even rheumatoid arthritis (RA).These might include the popular,...

Turmeric Supplements & No Inflammatory Foods: An Arthritis Healing Combination

With age often comes loss of joint mobility which can significantly slow down your life. Arthritis and related joint conditions is one of the top...