In-Office Test for Macular Degeneration Genes

Your genes are your inner fingerprint and current medical research keeps uncovering the hidden clues to the future of your health found within these...

Unexpected Macular Degeneration Discovery

In the search for a macular degeneration cure, many factors are taken into consideration. Age, gender, genes, etc. yet there is one constant that...

Painless Micro-Needle Drug Delivery For AMD

Those suffering with macular degeneration, or the majority dealing with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), sometimes need injections of...

Telemedicine for Macular Degeneration

It’s getting to the point that there’s no need to leave your home for mundane chores anymore. From buying groceries to finding the right book, all...

Peptide May Surpass Anti-VEGF For Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) continues to be, according to the American Society of Retina Specialists, “…the leading cause of...