5 Natural Itching Remedies

Whether it is sunburn, dry skin, an allergic reaction or any other number of causes, itching can be  a very uncomfortable condition. It is so...

Natural Help for H. Pylori

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a deceiving bacteria that can enter the system (usually through tainted food, compromised water, or poor hygiene)...

5 Natural Laxative Solutions

Constipation can present as uncomfortable to significantly painful. It is a condition that often creeps up and takes a toll without warning. However...

5 Unexpected Natural Ways to Increase Oral Health

You are an adult so you may not be concerned about developing cavities in your teeth anymore. However, as you age, the chances that your teeth and...

5 Benefits of Aloe Vera

Sometimes it is the simple botanicals that can make your life easier. As summer makes its way into higher heat indexes you may want to consider aloe...