8 Herbal Allergy Remedies

Spring brings a world of colors through cool rain and warm sun. It wakes us by drawing on hibernated energy that has replenished and rebalanced...

Light Flash Therapy May Improve Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the major causes of incurable cognitive (brain) decline in America today. It is very challenging on all members of the...

5 Benefits of Kissing

As the entire globe struggles with the COVID-19 stay at home protocol, obviously touch is significantly limited. This is a particular struggle for...

7 Surprising Ways to Combat Seasonal Allergies

Learn to reduce allergy symptoms such as a scratchy throat, runny nose and tearing eyes by adjusting the environment around you which may harbor...

Ways to Win Against Allergy Season

This harsh, cold winter has the weather bureau telling news viewers that this allergy season is going to be the worst. Their info comes from the...