8 Natural Remedies for Dupuytren’s Contracture

Your hands can kind of be described as your antenna. Appendages that ‘feel’ through life constantly prodding, protecting and prioritizing. When...

Traditional Chinese Medicine Treats Macular Degeneration

Chinese medicine is a practice that has been in existence for thousands of years. It uses a variety of botanical, nutritional, energetic and...

Acupuncture for Erectile Dysfunction

Needles and erectile dysfunction (ED) may not seem like a good match, however, posing no risk to the male genitals, acupuncture may be a good...

Natural Relief for Asthma

The CDC estimates that over 25 million people suffer from some form of asthma. There are also many others that are either borderline asthmatics or...

Acupuncture Treats Dry Eye Syndrome

According to the most recent statistics reported by the American Optometric Association (AOA,) approximately 16 million Americans, including twice...

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