Zeaxanthin May Help Prevent Macular Degeneration

One of the most prominent displays of nature and human integration involves the carotenoid, zeaxanthin (zee·uh·zan·thn). A carotenoid is a plant...

5 Natural Ways To Detox From Anesthesia After Surgery

Having surgery is stressful enough you probably want to avoid as much postoperative discomfort as you can. If your surgery requires local or general...

Pre-diabetic? 5 Tips That Might Help

Diabetes is a difficult disease that often requires strict dietary guidelines, sometimes injected insulin and other medications. This is all applied...

Low Potassium Warnings

Sometimes you can go through many conventional remedies before you realize that you may be lacking in something as simple as the mineral potassium....

Nanoparticle Delivery for Macular Degeneration

Nanoparticle Delivery for Macular Degeneration Researchers have been working with nanoparticle technology for decades and recent studies show how...

5 Reasons to Follow an Alkaline Diet

You may have heard about the dangers of your body becoming too acidic (sometimes referred to as acidosis) but the truth is that your body has an...

Covid-19: How to Travel Safely Amidst This Global Pandemic

By: Mahnur Chiragh The World Health Organization (WHO) declared Covid-19 as a global pandemic on the 11th March 2020. Fast forward to September,...

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