4 Surprising Benefits of Walking

As modern society becomes more technologically advanced, it is the simple, healthy things in life that seem to suffer. From mom-n-pop stores being...

Avoid Plastic in Your Food

Maybe you do your best to recycle plastic as much as you can. Maybe you just don’t care. Either way you might want to take extra notice because...

5 Benefits of Chlorella

Sometimes it is about finding nutrients in the most unexpected places to enhance your health. Formed into dietary supplement freeze-dried powder,...

What Your Urine May Be Telling You

It is easy to take your body for granted. It is an amazing natural machine that is constantly trying to create homeostasis (stable equilibrium)....

Genetically Engineering Stem Cells to Fight Macular Degeneration

Stem cells have been at the forefront of many current medical breakthroughs. Now it looks like scientists are genetically engineering stem cells to...

5 Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep can be a very elusive thing. When some people go to sleep they seem to be able to flip a switch and hit their slumber in no time. However,...

Too Much Sugar May Increase Macular Degeneration Risk

Modern dietary choices have long ago surpassed the whole food benefits of ancient to pre-Industrial Revolution nourishment choices. During this time...

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