We are getting closer to the day when people will be able to have an exact replica of their own human organ, 3-D printed and implanted to replace a...
Following a seasonal workout offers changing gears with nature, regardless of your geographical location. As fall transitions into winter, preparing...
Researchers have been following markers of disease for some time now. It is these clues that the body had been giving us but were never known before...
As the human population continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, modern agriculture continues to keep up. As a result, some expedited practices...
It has been reported that a western diet is no good for macular degeneration but researchers have pinpointed, even more, the inherent threat of...
When it comes to optimal health, you may not realize how powerful your food choices can be. Sure, we all know vegetables and fiber are good for us...
Your skin is your largest organ and it is front and center when it comes to so many internal and external threats. In younger years, as hormones are...