First Oral Therapy for Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is currently incurable, but there are several treatment options capable of slowing down the progression of this sight stealing...

5 Benefits of CBD Skin Care

Ever since oral CBD oil (cannabidiol, pronounced: “kanna-beh-dial”) was legalized in the United States, it has been linked to scores of beneficial...

5 Foods that Boost Metabolism for Weight Loss

According to Harvard Health, “…metabolism is the internal process by which your body expends energy and burns calories.”  As you age your...

5 Natural Laxative Solutions

Constipation can present as uncomfortable to significantly painful. It is a condition that often creeps up and takes a toll without warning. However...

Toxic Tea Bag Alert & 5 Health Tips

Just when you thought you had a handle on what to avoid, now the unassuming tea bag may put your health at risk. Don’t worry though, there are easy...

New AMD Drug Delivery, Brain Stimulation, and 4 Vision Recipes

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) brings all sorts of challenges to the currently 11 million Americans diagnosed with this sight robbing...

4 Ways to Wake Up Without Coffee

The most consumed drug in America is caffeine from coffee. Hands down, a high percentage of adults (and now even many teens and pre-teens) need at...

Comparing Dairy, Soy and Nut Milk

With more people challenged by consuming dairy, soy and nut milks have shown up on supermarket shelves as an alternative. Yet, there are many pros...

Fertility Tracking Tech for Birth Control and Conception

As Americans continue to support holistic healing, plant-based eating and natural remedies, it seems like more healthy options are emerging almost...

Macular Degeneration, Seasonal Affective Disorder and Vitamin D

Sometimes it is a combination of things that can help or hurt you. Most of the time, if you do not know what these things are you can’t...

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