Avoid Plastic in Your Food

Maybe you do your best to recycle plastic as much as you can. Maybe you just don’t care. Either way you might want to take extra notice because...

5 Benefits of Chlorella

Sometimes it is about finding nutrients in the most unexpected places to enhance your health. Formed into dietary supplement freeze-dried powder,...

What Your Urine May Be Telling You

It is easy to take your body for granted. It is an amazing natural machine that is constantly trying to create homeostasis (stable equilibrium)....

Too Much Sugar May Increase Macular Degeneration Risk

Modern dietary choices have long ago surpassed the whole food benefits of ancient to pre-Industrial Revolution nourishment choices. During this time...

Home Remedy Toenail Fungus Fixes

You probably don’t want to discuss toenail fungus but it is a condition that afflicts millions.  According to a study published in Journal de...

4 Natural Remedies for Depression

We have all heard of the diagnosis of depression however many of us have no idea what this entails. Some believe that it means someone is feeling...

Should You Try a Detox Cleansing?

Cleaning out your system may seem appealing yet medical experts have long been at odds regarding the effectiveness of a “body cleanse” or...

4 Herbs to Lessen ADD/ADHD Symptoms

At one time or another, like many other people, you probably have had trouble focusing. Maybe stress has distracted you causing anxiety and...

Acupuncture for Erectile Dysfunction

Needles and erectile dysfunction (ED) may not seem like a good match, however, posing no risk to the male genitals, acupuncture may be a good...

13 Signs of Blood Cell Disorders and 25 Natural Remedies

You can live a long life and never realize you have been living with a blood cell disorder. In fact, in many cases, your own doctor may never detect...

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