4 Possible Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease  

Some believe that cancer will be eradicated before the mystery of Alzheimer’s disease is solved. This is a pathology that, according to the...

5 Habits That Ruin Your Teeth

You may not be aware of it, but there are things you do on a regular basis that could be harming your teeth. People need to eat three times a day,...

Can Your Palm Give Clues to Health Issues?

Palm reading has shown up in many cultures, throughout many centuries, in cities and towns alike. Although considered by many to be fraudulent or a...

Nearly Half Americans Have High Blood Pressure Under New Guidelines

The American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology recently released their new guidelines defining high blood pressure and...

Women Twice As Likely To Develop Alzheimer’s Disease

November is officially National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month and in an effort to help spread awareness about Alzheimer’s we would like to...

Can Intermittent Fasting Prevent Alzheimer’s?

Intermittent fasting is the practice of going long periods of time throughout a 24 hour period without consuming any calories. Generally, one that...

Dangers of Halloween Contact Lenses

The Nightmare of Halloween Contact Lenses  With Halloween just around the corner, people are starting to put together their creepy costumes and...

6 Simple Ways to Transform Your Bedroom into a Perfect Sleeping Environment

So, you have gone easy on caffeine, exercise daily, and have a consistent bedtime routine, but you still have trouble sleeping throughout the night...

Detox with Dry Brushing

Your skin is your largest organ and keeping this important real estate clean and debris-free could be essential to your overall health. Dry brushing...

Living Drugs: Using Your Own Blood to Fight Cancer

It has been said that our immune system is powerful enough to fight any disease. How conventional medicine is irrelevant and only suppresses the...

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