4 Ways to Reduce Internal Inflammation Fast

4 Ways to Reduce Internal Inflammation Fast

Inflammation is a prime symptom associated with many ailments. So much so that inflammation can end up becoming the actual ailment making it a kind of blockade before treating deeper into the body. However, inflammation is often considered something that can be seen, like a body bruise or swelling. This is usually remedied by cold compresses and anti-inflammatory medicines, natural treatments, or both. Yet, few understand the constant struggle our internal environment is continually under, dealing with cellular inflammation that can lead to all sorts of health compromises with little to no warning. 

Some conditions associated with internal inflammation include: 

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Vision compromise
  • Cancer,
  • Digestive problems
  • Heart disease 

These 4 ways to reduce internal inflammation fast are excellent choices that just may reap some surprising results. Give one or all of these a try and learn to make them part of your lifestyle adaptations for optimal quality of life response.

Shut Down

Broken or excessive sleep may cause your body to inflame. A systemic review of 72 studies titled, ‘Sleep Disturbance, Sleep Duration, and Inflammation’ by researchers from UCLA concluded that,

“Sleep disturbance and long sleep duration, but not short sleep duration, are associated with increases in markers of systemic inflammation.”

Sleep tips to consider:

  • Begin sleep at approximately the same time each night. This way your body will fall into a healthy circadian rhythm that will signal inflammatory markers to calm. 
  • Make sure your sleeping space is very dark, temperature controlled and void of all electronics.
  • Use natural sleep inducing essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, valerian root, ylang ylang, cedar wood, frankincense, and rose. 
  • Keep sheets and comforters on a good cleaning cycle. Sleeping on soiled linens can disturb sleep
  • Take a warm shower before bed 

Avoid Gluten

A gluten-free diet seems to be another fad to some but now even the medical industry is touting its anti-inflammatory effects. Gluten are complex proteins found in wheat, grains, barley and rye. Avoiding or eliminating gluten has been linked to reducing inflammation, particularly when it comes to joint pain and arthritis.

Maria Vazquez Roque, MD, a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic commented to the Arthritis Foundation, 

“We know that certain foods are pro-inflammatory, which includes gluten-containing grains and the thousands of foods made from them,…When some, but not all, people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity eliminate these from their diet, they may find their arthritis symptoms also improve.”

Look for non-gluten choices and your internal inflammation may dissipate rapidly.

Switch Caffeine

Drinking coffee on a regular basis can constantly stoke your central nervous system (CNS) causing the body to remain in alarm-mode. This can cause an overproduction of cortisol which can lead to excessive internal inflammation. Choosing more gentle caffeine consumption such as green tea or Yerba mate will give you the energy you are used to without the jittery, nervous, inflammatory causing effects. Researchers from the Tea Science Center, University of Shizuoka, Japan studied the anti-inflammatory response of green tea concluding that,

“Since green tea and EGCG [epigallocatechin-3-gallate the major anti-inflammatory compound found in green tea] have multiple targets and act in a pleiotropic [multi-effect] manner, we may consider their usage to improve the quality of life in patients with inflammatory disease. Green tea and EGCG have beneficial health effects and no severe adverse effects,”

Drink green tea hot or cold without a sweetener (sugar is fuel for inflammation).

20 Minute Routine

Doing a physical activity for at least twenty-minutes per day has shown to be a quick and easy way to reduce internal inflammation. 

UC San Diego Health reported,

“Recently, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine found how just one session of moderate exercise can also act as an anti-inflammatory. The findings have encouraging implications for chronic diseases like arthritis, fibromyalgia and for more pervasive conditions, such as obesity.”

Many people find it difficult to commit to a gym or other workout schedule. If this is difficult to fit into your schedule then choose a twenty-minute activity you can easily fit into your day. 

Some of these mighty include:

  • A brisk walk
  • Intermittent jump roping
  • Swimming
  • Biking
  • Weight lifting
  • Drumming
  • Trampoline jumping

These 4 ways to reduce internal inflammation fast, could be the jolt you need to get you back on track. Committing to these simple lifestyle changes offers a way to not only reduce inflammation but to assist your body for more healthy living. Don’t let stresses like work or relationships get in the way and cause your body to inflame. Instead, take your life by the hand and walk it where it should be going, to a happy, healthy you.




