6 Simple Ways to Transform Your Bedroom into a Perfect Sleeping Environment

6 Simple Ways to Transform Your Bedroom into a Perfect Sleeping Environment

So, you have gone easy on caffeine, exercise daily, and have a consistent bedtime routine, but you still have trouble sleeping throughout the night comfortably. You keep asking yourself what you can do to get a good night’s rest.

Well, have you considered making changes to your sleeping environment? If not, then you have to consider doing something about it, since your bedroom affects the quality of sleep you get each night.

It, therefore, should be a relaxing retreat that allows you to rest. These six tips will show you ways to ensure that your bedroom is designed in a way that makes it perfect for sleeping.

1) Cool It Down

Sometimes, during the night you feel sweaty and unreasonably hot. Cheryl Hines is an example of a celebrity who has suffered from insomnia that is characterized by waking up in the middle of the night and being unable to get back to sleep.

Note that the best sleeping temperatures are between 60-72 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are cautious about leaving the air conditioner on all night, you can opt to use a ceiling fan or open the windows to make the room cooler. Alternatively, you can choose mattress cooling pads and lighter weight bedding.

You should also consider opening your bedroom’s windows one or two hours before going to sleep.

2) Invest in Your Mattress and Pillow

Nothing is more uncomfortable than a lumpy, thin mattress. The fact is, just like the chair in your office, your mattress should offer adequate support to prevent back problems and promote better sleep.

There are numerous snoring pillows for side sleepers that ensure you will be comfortable during the night. A good mattress and comfortable pillow can lower your stress levels, make your night better and improve allergy symptoms.

If you are sleeping with your partner or co-sleeping with your children, ensure that the bed has enough space. You are unlikely to sleep comfortably if you feel squeezed.

3) Choose Your Colors Wisely

Your suprachiasmatic nucleus controls your internal clock. It uses the light signals received via eye’s optic nerves. If it detects excess light, it will do everything it can to keep you awake. Therefore, your bedroom needs to be dark.

Studies show that melatonin, the hormone that is responsible for controlling and regulating your sleep-wake cycles, is affected by electrical light. For deep sleep, you need darkness. Always ensure that you keep all electronics away from your bedroom.

Even that TV should not be kept inside it. Ensure to have an under-bed light if you need to find your way to the bathroom during the night. You can use blinds if your windows let in light after sunrise. You may also opt for a sleeping mask.

4) Sound

Noise is one aspect that can ruin a good night. Even deep sleepers are affected by noise even if they do not remember waking. If you live in noisy neighborhoods or your partner is a loud sleeper or one who snores, you may opt to have earplugs and white noise that will provide you with some relief.

You may also choose to get an amazing pillow for your snoring loved one to see if they get more support and better sleep. Heavy curtains and blinds are a great way to reduce the noise if you do not like dead silence while you are sleeping.

Another good idea to reduce sleep would be to invest in a pair of earplugs. They’re cheap, efficient, and they will certainly guarantee a good night’s sleep. However, the only caveat is that you’ll need some time to get used to them, especially if you’re the kind of person who abhors headphones.

Also, keep in mind that these medical devices need to be cleaned regularly to prevent a nasty ear infection.

5) Sleep-inducing Scents

Aromatherapy has been shown to be a great way to induce sleep. Making your incense sticks and cones is easy.

There are also several scents that induce sleep, including lavender, vanilla, and jasmine. All you will need is some Mikka and your intended incense scent in your sleeping environment. Mix it in and then burn it.

This will take some practice to get the sticks to burn correctly, but it will be worth it. However, if you do not want to make your incense, you have the option of buying some from online stores.

These are inexpensive ways to trigger your brain to rest and relax. These scents are known to have sedative effects, and you will, therefore, have enough sleep.

6) Eliminate Clutter

A cluttered or disorganized space will distract you from drifting off to sleep. Ensure that you spend a few minutes each day decluttering and organizing your bedroom.

Ensure that all the paperwork is confined to one room in your house and that they are kept away from the bedroom or in a basket out of sight. You should also use a closed hamper to keep clothes out of the way.
We are aware of how alluring eating in bed can be but, in the long run, it’s a good health choice to nix the bed munching and to keep the room as food free as possible. Keep yourself from bringing any food items and utensils into the bedroom even though a trip to the kitchen feels like an expedition to the North Pole.


Your sleeping environment is critical in ensuring that you have a peaceful night of sleep. If there is too much light and noise and excessive clutter within your home, there are high chances that you will have an issue with finding rest throughout the night.

When you do not rest enough, you will not function optimally, and you will not have enough energy to be as productive as you want to be in your day. Therefore, ensure that your bedroom is comfortable to sleep in and gives you the freedom all night without feeling squeezed.

About the Author
Alex Moore is an avid blogger and freelance writer with a long-lasting passion for everything related to the science of sleep. In the past, Alex collaborated with various publications on sleep topic, including SideSleeperGuide.com.