20 Natural Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome

20 Natural Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome

It can creep up on you at any time and before you know it you are agonizing with a leg that is cramping, aching and twitching beyond your control. These are some of the symptoms of restless leg syndrome (RLS), a neurological disorder that often occurs at night and can temporarily be relieved by shaking the leg.

Technically called paresthesias (abnormal sensations) or dysesthesias (unpleasant abnormal sensations), RLS afflicts about 10% of the American population. It can range from annoying to outright painful with incidence being higher for females.

Overall, RLS is highly misunderstood as it can strike anyone at any age with symptoms varying day to day. These 20 natural remedies for restless leg syndrome may be able to minimize or in some cases eliminate RLS altogether.

Like Cures Like

Homeopathic medicine is a far out concept that has been used for over four hundred years. Although conventional medicine cannot validate its authenticity, it is a practice that has helped thousands of people.

The concept is like cures like. Therefore, if you have a symptom you take the remedy that has been prepared from the very natural thing that may cause a similar symptom if ingested whole. However, homeopathic remedies are diluted to the point of harnessing the vibration of a correlating natural source with no trace of the source left.

For instance, if you contract poison ivy you take the diluted homeopathic remedy derived from poison ivy to burn it out.

RLS symptoms and personal characteristics may correlate with some of these homeopathic remedies recommended by Natural News. Note: Homeopathic remedies should not be touched by skin nor taken 20 minutes before or after food, drink, perfume/cologne application and teeth brushing.

Tarantula hispanica –  Restless, over-stimulated, full of rage and impatient. Symptoms include twitching, numbness and jerking made better by exaggerated movement, dancing, music, pressure and rubbing.

Zincum metallicum Involuntary movement of the legs; mental and physical fatigue; trembling and twitching of the feet; need to move legs and feet constantly. Symptoms worse from exhaustion, noise, touch and drinking alcohol; better with warmth and pressure.

Phosphorus Cramping, numbness, stiffness and jerking of the toes and feet. Improved while lying on right side. Mild-mannered, insecure, prefers company and is thirsty for large quantities of icy cold water.

Magnesia carbonica Legs and feet often feel tired, achy and restless; cramps and pains in the lower legs; weakness of the calves; jerking motions. Symptoms worse with weather change and getting into a warm bed.

Causticum Restless legs at night; paralytic numbness; arthritic or rheumatic pains; tearing pains  with cracking noises in the knees and ankles.

Arsenicum album Afraid of being alone; chilly; anxious and restless; continually move the legs; cramps in calves; thirsty for cold water; Craves company.

Go Gamma 

If you have RLS there are herbal ways to relax your body, especially before bed when symptoms are most common. Each of these herbs has been studied and shown to increase the brain’s  inhibitory chemical, gamma aminobutyric acid, which has been linked to relaxing the nervous system and alleviating RLS.

  • Valerian root
  • Passionflower
  • Kava Kava

These herbs have a rich history of being used to calm the body, however they are not a cure only temporary relief instead of conventional choices. Use these herbs in addition to homeopathy and other modalities under the guidance of a trained professional.

Mindful Practice

Try some of these easy, everyday recommendations as well as other list checkoffs to see if your RLS is alleviated.

  • Stretch everyday
  • Walk more
  • Shower hot and cold on the legs
  • Get a weekly massage
  • Keep hydrated with plain, clean water
  • Wear socks to bed
  • Try an acupuncturist
  • Check your medication to see if RLS is a side effect
  • Stop caffeine
  • Get blood checked for iron

Watch Your Inflammation 

The Washington University School of Medicine looked into how other conditions might contribute to RLS. They found that almost every one linked to systemic inflammation. Many people are internally inflamed. However, by reducing processed and animal sourced food intake as well as things like sugar, omega-6 fatty acids, and trans fats inflammation could be reduced and benefit RLS as well.

Follow an anti-inflammatory diet and look to supplements such as calcium, magnesium, Omega-3 fatty acids, B-complex, iron and Vitamin A for relief.


See if one or more of these 20 natural remedies for restless leg syndrome may work for you.