6 Ways to Naturally Treat Acid Reflux

6 Ways to Naturally Treat Acid Reflux

That burning sensation that you feel rising up in your throat may not just be your distaste for the American political system as it could be acid reflux. Also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD this condition affects approximately twenty percent of American adults and in some cases may lead to bleeding ulcers in the esophagus. In rare instances, it could be an indication of a condition called Barrett’s which is linked to esophageal cancer.

If you are suffering from symptoms that may be acid reflux, see your doctor for a full diagnosis. Then, before taking conventional medication that often just masks the problem, try one or more of these 6 ways to naturally treat acid reflux. It may be all you need to turnaround this common medical condition that many find easy to remedy using these simple fixes.

Sodium Bicarbonate

Inexpensive and easy to find (most have a box in their home), sodium bicarbonate is simply baking soda. In addition to its variety of uses that include being used as a refrigerator odor absorbent, toothpaste, shampoo, skin cleaner and laundry detergent baking soda is also an excellent alkaline remedy.

Since acid reflux is just that, acid that is bubbling up from your stomach, taking a slowly sipped teaspoon of dissolved baking soda in warm water could quickly quell this acid and calm symptoms. One side effect is belching until the acid subsides.

Gladly Ginger

Ginger root is a powerful, multi-use spice used for digestive challenges for centuries. Researchers have found that compounds in ginger are similar to those found in your digestive tract which makes it an excellent go-to for assistance.

A study published in Molecular Research and Food Nutrition (2007) concluded that,

“Researchers found that one fraction of ginger exhibited six-to eight-fold better potency over lansoprazole at inhibiting acid production (specifically, gastric cell proton potassium ATPase activity).”

Use a slice of ginger under your tongue (careful it’s spicy) or steeped in hot water as a tea to relieve acid reflux.


Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is another ancient remedy able to calm stomach acid due to it’s acetic acid compounds. These acids are able to mix with strong hydrochloric stomach acid to calm and relieve. A study by Dr. Carol Johnston, a Nutrition professor at Arizona State University showed significant relief when using ACV for heartburn (acid reflux) indicating further research is recommended. To use ACV simply dilute one tablespoon in eight ounces of warm water and slowly sip.

Hello Aloe

The gel and juice from the spikey aloe vera plant are renowned for alleviating skin and digestive conditions. This is mainly due to it’s ability to relieve inflammation, a major factor when experiencing acid reflux.

Research published in the Journal for Traditional Chinese Medicine (12/15) found that,

“A. vera was safe and well tolerated and reduced the frequencies of all the assessed GERD symptoms, with no adverse events requiring withdrawal.”

Half a cup of aloe juice about a half hour before meals has shown significant benefits in reducing symptoms. Aloe vera can act as a laxative so if you want to avoid this look for brands that remove the laxative compound.

Bromelain and Papain 

The combination of bromelain (derived from the middle of the pineapple) and papain the enzyme found in papayas act as a one-two punch against acid reflux.

Bromelain has significant anti-inflammatory and digestive enzyme that can reduce esophageal swelling while helping breakdown food. Papain does the same and when you combine these two the results for acid reflux can be highly beneficial.

They can be found in tablet, often chewable, form and can be taken before, during and after a meal.

Slippery Savior

Slippery elm is an excellent healing herb that is able to work in conjunction with other acid reflux remedies by protecting the mouth, throat, stomach and intestines with its unique coating ability.

In addition, compounds in slippery elm have shown the ability to stimulate gastrointestinal nerve endings prompting them to produce more mucous for reduced acidity and more protection.

Take as a supplement or tea, slowly sipped three times per day.

Don’t suffer with digestive acid and instead give these 6 ways to naturally treat acid reflux a try. Also, remember that acid reflux can sometimes be the result of a highly acidic, processed food, sugar heavy diet so try to eat more fresh, organic produce for better results.