Good Cholesterol Causes Macular Degeneration

It sounds crazy, but if you have increased levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), commonly thought of as good cholesterol, you could be at risk...

Virtual Reality Assists Macular Degeneration Treatment

Each year a host of visual technology comes to market. These are either for entertainment, rehabilitation or both with the intent of making vision...

Macular Degeneration Maintenance: Off the Couch, Save Your Eyes

In a conveniently packaged society it is easy to stay plugged in and shuttered away forgetting all about outside options that may enhance your...

Smart Contact Lens Tech for Macular Degeneration and Other Vision Challenges

It was only a matter of time before the ‘opti-tech’ industry was able to develop successful smart contact lens applications. Using biological...

The Importance of Communicating about Macular Degeneration

“The patient will never care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” – Terry Canale in his American Academy of Orthopaedic...

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